Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Moving to LA

What a whirlwind month...I resigned from my old job as a consumer strategist in the food and beverage world to take an operations job with a new beverage company. Leaving was tough, because I absolutely loved helping my clients with consumer and branding issues, and the value I was adding was clearly measurable and appreciated by the clients.

I tried to leave under the best of circumstances. I made it fairly easy on my old company...I waited until they had adequate resources to backfill me, I kept great files and records, and I kept my expenses up to date. What I didn't expect was a nasty certified letter from the CEO accusing me of violating my non-disclosure and non-compete (while I was still an employee)! Seems impossible...but the threatening tone just pissed me off. I fired off a rebuttal, and haven't heard a thing. I don't think they have a leg to stand on, but the bitterness of their tone was unexpected. We shall see what they intend to do.

The new job has a whole new series of challenges. I will be heading up operations for a small health beverage company. The person I replaced may not have been the best ops choice for a new company. Looks like systems, processes, specs and cost containment are my first order of business. I will be looking for a good ops analyst and QA head first up. Know of any good candidates you can send my way?

The new job required me to relocate temporarily to LA...West LA to be specific. I drove down in a downpour and my new colleagues blamed me for bringing Seattle weather to LA. It has been cold and rainy all week! I will be in LA for 3 months, and then will split time between Seattle and LA for the rest of the year. If it works out, that will be the solution until my youngest gets out of HS...and then the dreaded relo question comes up.

My temporary digs are at Marina Del Rey...nice, near Venice Beach and the canals. I need to find a different apartment that is less expensive...this one is $3000 a month!

I am excited about the change, the challenge and the company. More details to follow!


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