Thursday, June 7, 2012

Man's Best Friend

We had a bit of a scare today...our little dog, Pepper had to go under emergency surgery. Lori called me with the news that she had taken him in to the vet this morning because he had been lethargic all week, and didn't have an appetite. He even turned his nose up at a Cheetoh she dropped on the floor, and he didn't want to go for a walk. He has been spending all day in his nest under the bed. It turns out that he has a giant growing tumor in his tummy. The growth was so extensive that it was pushing all his internal organs to one side. The vet was hopeful, but she said that she would have to make a decision once she opened him up. If it looked benign, she would remove it as best as she could. If it looked cancerous, she would euthanize him right there on the operating table. His lethargy had a cause, it wasn't the rainy, cold weather, or the long, lonely days he spent in the house by himself. It was a giant growing mass causing him discomfort.

That lethargic behavior is just not like him. He is usually full of spunk, energy, and life. He has the most personality of any dog I have ever known. He actually thinks he is human, or that we are all dogs in his pack. He talks to us, and is pretty good at communicating what he wants from us. He has given us so many funny memories and stories. If you know us, you have heard some of them. My favorite Christmas memories over the past 10 years or so are of Peppy (his nickname) tearing into the presents. He loves to open presents. For a small 18 lb. dog, he is bigger than life.

As Lori was explaining all the options, she sounded strong, upbeat and hopeful. I told her to text the kids to let them know that Pepper may not make it...that is when she lost it and couldn't talk anymore on the phone. She had to hang up and email me later with the latest. I quickly said a prayer for my little friend. He has done nothing but bring our family joy for the past 13 years. He seems much younger, and still has a lot of living to do.

The good news was delivered later that afternoon. The mass was not intertwined with any of his organs, it was a free-floating mass that was growing on his spleen, which was removed. The vet thinks he will recover and give us a few more years of companionship.

That is a great word...companionship. That is his strength and his personal mission statement. He never leaves us, and is always at our side (or on our lap). I used to make fun of people who spent thousands of dollars on their pets. Well, now I am proudly one of those suckers. He is worth every penny. He wasn't my first choice for a dog when we started looking for a pet, but I'm glad he is part of our family. He can't hunt birds, or retrieve ducks, or even pull a sled, but he tries to please me and is smarter than some 7th graders. He has snuggled his way deep into my heart, and I am thankful for that. I always tease the kids and tell them that I "hate Pepper"...that I "hate having to love him." The kids think that is funny, and say, "we knew you loved him."

I want to tell my little "companion" that I really do love him, and wouldn't trade him for anything. I hope he recovers quickly, and that he has years of healthy living ahead of him.


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