Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I am not sure where to begin in my annual thank-you letter to God and others that have made an impact on my life. A timeline of events might work, but that could be messy. I will just dive in...

Thank you God for how you have taken care of me in uncertain times. For how you have given me what I need, when I have needed it. Your grace and love for me is acknowledged and undeserved by me. Thank you for trusting me with the blessings you have given me, and in the way you continue to bless me.

Thank you Lori for continuing to stand by my side as my wife. You support me, encourage me, and tolerate my bad jokes. You have the hard job of holding down the fort while I am gone, and you do it without complaint!

Thank you to Jeff and Melanie for giving me less to worry about. Your level of maturity, responsibility and growth as adults gives me a measure of confidence about your future. I will never quit worrying about you, but I am worrying less. Now just get yourselves to church a little more, please?

Thank you to my family for constantly encouraging me, supporting me, investing in me, and for believing in me. I feel an extra burden of responsibility to make sure that your belief in me is justified.

Thank you to SunnyD for buying BN earlier this year! You put me out of my misery in the kindest and most generous way possible. I was almost to the breaking point in terms of patience towards others. The buyout also freed me up to do some things that I really wanted to do...like start a company.

Thank you to my partners, Kent Rhodes and Jeff Baccetti. You two support me in every way possible as we build SmartCup. It can seem tough at times, but it is fun, the challenges are amazing and the results are all worth it.

Thank you brothers in Kisumu, Eldoret, Mombasa and Malindi, Kenya. The work you do with so few resources continues to impress and inspire me. I want to give more to CRF because of your unselfish ways. The way you love the orphans and care for them is from God, there is no other explanation for it. I hate the way others try to take advantage of you, steal from you, threaten your lives, and scare your families. I wish it were an easier life, but I am thankful that I know you and can call you friends.

Thank you Linda Purdy, for all you do for Christian Relief Fund. You lead a tireless group in an uphill struggle on a daily basis. Thank you God for continuing to bless this ministry and its work to take care of children around the world who cannot take care of themselves.

I have made so many new friends this year through my business connections as well a through travel. I am thankful for each of you. I have learned from each interaction, encounter, and conversation. I am inspired and amazed by each of you. My Kenya buddies: Julie, Karen, Audie, Cheryl, Chase, Christian, Laura, Olivia, Amy, Holly, Micah, Sandy, John and Connie, Bekkah, Jason, Eric, Thomas, and Dave. My SmartCup associates: Jana Branch, Scott Greenberg, Bob Hill, Sandy Brawley, Bob Wilson, John Clair, and Brett Schaeffer.

I believe the first Thanksgiving was more like this than what we have made it...it isn't about stuffing ourselves full of turkey, or about kicking off the holiday shopping sprint, or, dare I say, about football. It is about giving God a big Thank You for blessing us, for caring for us, and for delivering us from our struggles. It is a time of thanking others that make an impact on our lives, and for giving us hope.

Be thankful daily, and watch your life change!


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