Jana was in no mood to join in on our grubfest, so we left her in her jammies (at 6 pm? c'mon Jana!) to seek the mythical meal. I guess I'd better describe the objects of our quest: Legend tells of a mythical meal that can be ordered at McD's...a McGangBang. Not your politically correct naming convention, but attention-grabbing for sure. Born from late-night, after party, post drunk feasting (as most of these monstrosities are), the McGangBang is two sandwiches shoved into one jaw-stretching beast. It is built from a Double Cheeseburger with an entire McChicken sandwich inside. Yes, the whole thing...bun, beef, cheese, bun, chicken patty, lettuce, mayo, bun, beef, cheese, onions, condiments and finally another bun. Yeah...someone says, "bring on the Plavix!"
But where does one begin the quest to slay the mythical beast? We began our search a mere 6 blocks from the home in Santa Monica. Too refined, we thought? What better test of an urban legend than to try it here. Remember, I did say my buddy Matt is from the UK, so we played the tourist role. Camera-ready, full British accent tweaked, we approached the counter. "We would like a McGangBang, please." Tony, operating the register blinked once, twice and then cleared his throat..."wha?" This time slower, with descriptions and hand gestures, "you know, the secret menu sandwich." Still, no response. He kept pointing to the menu above him, saying "I think you need to order off the menu, we can't make that." Jaime the manager walked by and asked if Tony was having a problem. We asked Jaime the same question, "can we order a McGangBang?" Jaime has been around the block so he knew exactly what we wanted, "Oh yeah, two burgers, cheese and a McChicken?" Hallelujah! He shoved Tony aside to show him how to ring it up. He said, "We have been getting a few of these orders every week." Then he went to the back prep area to show them how to put it together. Then Matt stumped him...he asked for the McWhitey sandwich. Even though he hadn't heard of that one, Jaime was game and asked us what that one was. We explained carefully that it was two Filet-o-Fish sandwiches with a McChicken sandwich in the middle...extra tartar sauce. So, bun, fish, cheese, tartar, bun, chicken patty, lettuce, mayo, bun, fish, cheese, tartar, and a bun on top. Jaime's fingers were a blur on the register as he punched 4-5 buttons to get this one to ring up. Most of the rings are from the Dollar Menu, so it is a pretty fair value. Our total? Around $11 for the sandwiches, fries, and Jaime threw in for drinks. What a guy. The girls in back were laughing as they built the sandwiches, but our quest was almost over. Mission almost-accomplished.

Okay, the ordering is done, food has arrived. It is beautiful to behold...well not beautiful, maybe more like a wonder to behold. Jaime and crew packed them into the largest sandwich cartons they had. "For here, or to go?" How does one eat a multi-layered sandwich on the go...definitely for here. We quickly decide that I would try the McGangBang, and Matt would tackle the McWhitey. We would share a bite, but we would each own a conquest. A quick prayer of thanksgiving (no really!), and wade on in.

The McGangBang is as expected...almost too big for my mouth (I can hear my friends laughing now). But the flavor is very good. The chicken just adds a bit of "fried" flavor and a little tougher texture to the double cheeseburger experience. It is delicious. One has to do a little smooshing, or compacting to get it bite height, but the cheese holds it together. A few pickles add a nice tartness to the flavor that is just right. Matt has promised to go "unprotected" next time...that is the term for a spicy McChicken in the middle.
The McWhitey is still fish-dominant in flavor. The height surpasses that of the McGB because of the thickness of the fish filet. The chicken is lost in all the fishiness, but the eating quality is still acceptable. We will pass on this one in the future.
So, Matt and I put an urban legend to rest...you can order a McGangBang sandwich from the secret menu at McDonald's. Don't forget to be nice to the manager.
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