Here's the list of places we have gone: The very first one was Cape May, NJ. We rented a large Victorian house complete with gingerbread trim near the beach. It was my immediate family...parents, siblings, spouses and kids. Second one was DisneyWorld in Orlando at Christmas...guaranteed good time. Next was Yellowstone National Park, followed by a 10 day excursion to China, then Virginia Beach, and most recently, Honolulu, Hawaii. We know how to have a good time. These past 20 years have created great memories for all of us. There is the occasional argument, misunderstanding and regretful behavior, but all in all, we enjoy seeing each other and cry like crazy when we have to say goodbye. We all live so far apart that these opportunities to gather really do create emotional atmospheres.
Each location holds special memories for me. Some are strictly about fun, but some, like our China trip, was about connecting with our roots. They are ALWAYS about good food and social interaction, though. We sometimes plan our next meal while still eating the current one! This last trip to Hawaii was a combination of all of these reasons. We were able to reconnect our families, our old friends, new friends, while eating together and having fun together. The kids are now old enough to really enjoy each other's company, and they spent many a late night at the local watering holes talking about their crazy parents. There is even talk of a "cousins only" reunion so they can hang out and party without their parents watching. I love seeing them interact, get to know each other better, and best part...become friends. They may be related by blood, but they like each other's company, too! We even had the next generation with us as my niece brought her 7 year old son...a grandnephew, great-grandson, and second cousin to all of us. I am proud at how my nieces and nephews have grown up into awesome adults. They are all such caring people. They want to make the world a better place, and are striving hard to be independent and successful. They are spiritual and are relying on God to help them in life. That is awesome that our kids are developing their own love for Christ that I have.
So keep your t-shirts, mugs, and giant reunion picnics. I like mine small, intimate and in exotic locales. Rumor is that the next one being planned will be a cruise. I'll go anywhere to be with my family, and I hear the food is pretty good on those cruise ships.